2. Installing the compiler

A few pieces of software must be installed to use Rust with AVR support

  • A Rust compiler with AVR support enabled
  • The source code of the compiler
    • This is required as libcore must be compiled lazily as AVRs are not generally ABI compatible with each other so the core library must be explicitly compiled for the AVR device that is being targeted at compile time.

NOTE: Make sure to also install the required third party tools. This, importantly, includes the linker.

AVR support is included in the official Rust nightly compiler as of July 2020. To use AVR support, it is sufficient to install the official Rust nightly compiler, as well as the rust-src component.

First, make sure that rustup is installed. If it is not, install it from rustup.rs.

Then install the nightly and rust-src components by running this in a terminal:

$ rustup toolchain install nightly
$ rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly

Installation complete. You can proceed to the next part 3. Building a crate for AVR.

Installing or building from source

AVR support is included in any standard Rust nightly build. The standard Rust development instructions apply here.

NOTE: Compiling Rust/LLVM can be very memory intensive. You may find compilation abruptly stopping on machines with less than ~10GB of RAM due to the operating system out-of-memory killer stopping it. If compilation keeps terminating, check if there is a hard-to-spot "process interrupted by operating system" message near the bottom of the logs. If so, consider lowering parallelism flags (-j N, etc) to reduce memory pressure.